Why PDF to JSON conversion is fundamental for Companies

PDF documents are accepted all over the world. So it’s no wonder that this format is one of the most widely used for information exchange between companies. Which does not mean that it is also the best format for it. Quite the contrary. Find out here why converting PDF to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is crucial for companies.


1. TL;DR

2. Why convert PDF to JSON?

3. Advantages for companies with JSON

4. Parashift converts PDF documents to structured JSON format

1. TL;DR

Converting PDF documents to JSON helps companies to export relevant data in a structured way in JSON format, so that this information can be shared with other companies in a faster and more organized way.

2. Why convert PDF to JSON?

While PDF documents are best suited for reading information, this is not the case for data processing. Extracting data from PDF documents is a time-consuming and tedious task. This is equally true for electronically generated PDF documents as well as for scanned or camera-captured PDF documents.

Although PDF is a universal format in itself, some major inconsistencies that make it difficult to capture and process PDF documents are common:

  • Different font sizes and colors
  • Complex tables and columns, various alignments
  • Check boxes
  • Signatures or other handwritten annotations

Such discrepancies mean that companies can only capture and process the semi-structured and unstructured data from PDF documents with a great deal of manual effort. This makes it impossible to quickly forward essential business data in a structured format.

3. Advantages for companies with JSON

It is with the conversion of PDF documents to JSON that enterprises can create competitive advantages for themselves.

Some of the benefits from converting to JSON format are as follows:

Fast analysis of JSON data: JSON, unlike PDF documents, comes in lightweight form, which makes it faster to analyze and store the JSON data.

Easy and fast sharing: Thanks to the universal format, JSON is usable with virtually any system, enabling efficient sharing between organizations.

Better readable data: JSON supports data nesting, which effectively extracts and stores data from different tables, columns and alignments of PDF documents.

4. Parashift converts PDF documents to structured JSON format

Data extraction from scanned or photographed PDF documents requires powerful OCR technologies based on machine learning and deep learning to convert the documents into compact JSON format. With cutting-edge Intelligent Document Processing (IDP), Parashift combines all of these AI technologies, setting itself apart from the limitations of other solutions.

The benefits of converting PDF to JSON with Parashift’s IDP solution are obvious:

Quality enhancement for poorly readable PDF documents: Parashift automatically enhances PDF documents when they come in with background noise or low resolution due to poor scanning, for example.

Complex tables are no obstacle: Parashift’s powerful IDP solution can extract even complex tables with the highest accuracy and speed and return them structured in nested JSON format.

Handwritten text is no problem: Even handwritten annotations or signatures on PDF documents can be extracted and converted into compact JSON format.

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