Automate all enterprise document workflows with secure & compliant AIParashift Intelligent Content AI helps Enterprises to minimize the time spent processing and understanding documents across all processes. Demo & Trial Account Companies of all sizes rely on Parashift AI IDP with Document Swarm Learning® Next generation Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) AINext generation AI: Intelligent document automation for existing processes and applications Leading AI-Innovation in IDPLatest AI: Parashifts LLM, One Touch Learning® and Document Swarm Learning® & optionally OpenAI LLM.Document SeparationSeparate batch-documents into single documents intelligently through AI or legacy methods.Document ClassificationIdentify & Sort standard or your individual documents according to their type. Using AI.AI Data ExtractionRead data from your documents using Document Swarm Learning® AI, LLM and One Touch Learning®.Unlimited Use-Cases400+ Document-types out of the box. Create your own specific use-case.Human In The LoopCombine human and machine work intelligently using AI.Cloud AI - OCR APIIntegrate Document AI capabilities into your applications and processes.Enterprise-Grade SecurityProcess sensitive data meeting highest InfoSec and Compliance standards.Cover all use-cases easily using latest AI technologies.Parashift uses next generation AI technology such as Document Swarm Learning®, One Touch Learning® and LLMs in one secure cloud-native platform. It enables enterprises to quickly and easily cover all document automation use-cases either through 400+ out-of-the-box models or adapted capabilities. Process hundreds of use-cases with one platformExcellent for invoices processing but not limited to it.Parashift doesn’t limit your Intelligent Document Processing journey to invoices. It’s built for all documents in all processes.98+% Accuracy on field levelIncluding complex Line-Items.Learn more about Invoice processing …or learn about adding individual document types. The first IDP Platform that continuously learns from all documents it processes.Parashift is built on proprietary Document Swarm Learning® technology that maximizes continuous AI-based learning across all use cases and customers in a fully GDPR-compliant way. While other solutions need to learn from hundreds of your documents, Parashift has already learned from millions. Before you even start using it. 15x faster time to solutionDue to hundreds of pre-configured/trained capabilitiesBroad CoverageLanguage angostic & versatile.Go Cloud, Go AI.Why choose Parashift?Get immediate value from the combination of secure and truely next gen cloud AI document processing. Enterprise Companies Software VendorsAdd AI document automation across your entire organization.Reduce the time your teams spend sorting and processing documents by using AI based Intelligent Document Processing.Find an integration partner No need to replace your proven business applications.Just add latest AI document automation to your existing processes.Combine human work and AIIntelligent human in the loop exception management allows for quick ROI.Start with one use-case - and add more step-by-step yourself50+% of all Parashift clients configure Enterpreis use-cases themselves.Auto-improve capture accuracyContinuous learning allows for zero automation maintenance.Add AI OCR API instead of wasting time onto hard to solve OCR problems.Now you are able to automate all kinds of documents in your software product.Explore the API documentation Scale and adapt Deep-OCR APIs to your needs yourselfOut-of-the-box capabilities. Easily create your own without a lot of training.Integrate learning data from your applicationSend back learning data through the feedback API for continuous model improvement.Get a full data payload including coordinates and confidencesGet candidates, alternative values as well as context information within the payload.Cover hundreds of use-cases in one single APIOne API for all your use-cases. Use webhooks to stay on top of processes and interactions.Clients & Partners about ParashiftMarket & Client Voices Read what Analysts such as Quadrant, Everest and Gartner publish on Parashift IDP.See Market Analyst Coverage Parashift complements our existing solution portfolio Thanks to Parashift, our customers benefit from tailored and sustainable solutions.Dominic WullschlegerCSO at Arcplace AG With their technology, comprehensive capabilities, and compelling product strategy and roadmap, Parashift is well-positioned to expand globally.Pranjal SinghAnalyst at Quadrant Knowledge Solutions Parashift unlocks the value of documents by automating repetitive data entry, enabling organizations to make data-driven decisions faster.Guy JerusalmiCOO at BayBridgeDigitalBuilt for maximum flexibility and business agility in document automation.Parashift IDP represents a new generation of Intelligent Document Processing platforms that leverage thousands of AI models in parallel to create large document data out of the box capabilities.Legacy OCR and CaptureToday IDP VendorsParashift PlatformSecure Cloud APIOperated and run in a secure Cloud environment.Great for hundreds of use-cases400+ pre-built use-casesNo-Code & No-Expert ConfigurationConifgure Use-Cases yourself through a great UINo need for templatesNo need to create a template for each vendorContinuous Document Swarm Learning®15x shorter setup time, 50% better accuracyIntegrates easily with your favorite business application!Use one of the pre-built IDP integration components created and maintained by our partners or use the Parashift API to create your own individual integration.Contact a sales representative Have a question or want more information? Read the API documentation here