-Partnersalabus and Parashift automate data extraction for the insurance marketSissach, Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland, 03.11.2020 – alabus ag is a leading Swiss manufacturer of standard software for the insurance market. A large number of well-known customers trust in the expertise of alabus, especially when it comes to optimizing their document centered business... November 3, 2020Read more
-GeneralRPA; Even with legacy software, without a major projectIn the course of digitalization, customer requirements have changed significantly. Everything must be available and retrievable immediately. Whenever possible, things should be in realtime. Speed and adaptability to individual preferences are other essential trends. In order to keep pace with... October 1, 2020Read more
-PartnersParashift teams up with UiPath to bring superior document intelligence into RPA projectsRobotic Process Automation is a powerful technology to automate tedious and repetitive tasks. To unleash its full potential, however, accurate, fast and cheap document extraction is indispensable. The partnership of Parashift with industry leader UiPath is therefore set to drive... September 22, 2020Read more
-GeneralHandwritten text recognition (HTR) in 2020The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) respectively Document Capture software market size is expected to be USD 12.6 billion by 2027 with a year on year growth of approx. 10%. The increasing demand for document extraction software solutions is mainly due to compliance... September 15, 2020Read more
-PartnersPublic SectorAbraxas and Parashift enter into a strategic partnershipSt.Gallen, September 9, 2020 – The two IT companies Abraxas and Parashift have agreed on a strategic partnership. Thanks to Parashift’s Machine Learning-based software, Abraxas will be able to offer its customers a powerful service for reading and digitizing all... September 9, 2020Read more
-CompanyParashift at the Google Cloud Zurich Meetup #5On the 25th of August 2020, the Google Cloud Meetup #5 took place in the cafeteria of Nine in Zurich. Since the beginning of the year, the Nine team has been recording all their Meetups and publishing them on the official... September 4, 2020Read more
-Transport & LogisticsMore automation in logistics with intelligent document captureThe way in which we handle the purchase and sale of services and products has changed considerably in recent years. Especially the restrictions and extraordinary circumstances caused by COVID-19 have clearly shown in many places what a complex, scalable and... July 17, 2020Read more
-PartnersIKAVA and Parashift bring more Intelligence to robotic process automationIKAVA is an innovative service company founded in 2017, specializing in digital process automation. The focus of IKAVA is especially on implementation, training and consulting services for Robotic Process Automation with UiPath. The team, consisting of IT and process management... June 23, 2020Read more
-Accounting & Business ServicesSwiss QR invoices: OCR and data extraction with ParashiftNot long to wait now. On 30 June, the QR invoice will replace the two existing Swiss payment slips in red and orange. An era ends and a new one begins. The new Swiss standard contains a barcode with the most... June 19, 2020Read more
-GeneralThe importance of process automation for the resilience and innovative strength of companiesWith the global COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of process automation for the resilience and innovative strength of companies seems to have taken on a completely different significance than was the case just a few months ago. Abruptly, the loss of... May 27, 2020Read more