How to boost your ISV value proposition with IDP

As an Independent Software Vendor (ISV), you want to deliver the best solutions for your customers’ business needs. You know how challenging it is for them to deal with the massive amount of unstructured data that is hidden in documents. According to IDC, 80% of business data is unstructured, and it is growing at a rate of 55% per year.

How can they extract, process, and analyze this data efficiently and accurately? How can they automate the tedious and error-prone task of manual document processing? How can you offer your customers smart, fast, and scalable solutions that can transform their workflows and outcomes?

The answer is Intelligent Document Processing (IDP).

In this article, we will show you how IDP can help you solve your ISV challenges, enhance your value proposition, and stay at the forefront of innovation. We will also introduce you with our Parashift Platform, a solution that can help you integrate IDP into your existing software with ease and flexibility.

What is Intelligent Document Processing and why you need it

Intelligent Document Processing is the key to unlocking new dimensions of efficiency and accuracy. It is a technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to automatically capture, classify, and extract data from any type of document, such as invoices, contracts, receipts, forms, and more. IDP can handle complex and diverse documents, such as handwritten, scanned, or PDF files, and convert them into structured and actionable data.

IDP can benefit ISVs in many ways, such as:

  • Faster and more accurate data extraction and processing, saving you time and money
  • Reduced manual labor and human errors, improving data quality and consistency
  • Improved customer satisfaction and retention, increasing loyalty and referrals
  • Increased scalability and flexibility, adapting to changing customer demands and expectations
  • Enhanced competitive edge and innovation, differentiating your software offering and staying ahead of the curve

By integrating IDP into your software, you can provide your customers with a powerful tool that can streamline their workflows, optimize their resources, and improve their outcomes. You can also create new revenue streams, expand your market reach, and increase your profitability.

How IDP can solve your ISV challenges

As an ISV, you may face some common challenges, such as:

  • Data overload: You have to deal with large volumes of data from various sources and formats, which can be overwhelming and time-consuming to process.
  • Manual document processing: You have to rely on manual data entry and validation, which can be prone to errors and inconsistencies.
  • Scalability issues: You have to adapt to changing customer demands and expectations, which can be difficult and costly to meet.
  • Innovation pressure: You have to stay ahead of the competition and keep up with the latest technological trends, which can be challenging and risky.

IDP can help you overcome these challenges by providing you with a solution that can:

  • Automate and accelerate data extraction and processing, saving you time and money
  • Improve data quality and accuracy, reducing errors and discrepancies
  • Scale up or down according to your needs and requirements, without affecting your performance or reliability
  • Enhance your innovation and differentiation, giving you an edge over your competitors

IDP yes, but choosing the right IDP solution makes all the difference to enhance your offering

One size does not fit all, and ISVs understand the importance of customization. That’s why whitelabel/OEM IDP solutions like Parashift, are the ideal option for ISVs who want to integrate IDP into their existing software. Whitelabel/OEM solutions allow you to rebrand and resell IDP as your own product, without having to develop it from scratch. You can tailor the IDP solution to fit your specific needs and preferences, such as:

  • Choosing the document types and data fields you want to process
  • Configuring the user interface and user experience
  • Setting the pricing and billing models
  • Adding your own logo, name, and domain

Whitelabel/OEM solutions provide you with the flexibility and scalability you need to incorporate IDP into your software, without compromising your brand identity or quality standards.

Parashift could be your trusted partner for IDP

Parashift is more than just a technology provider—we are IDP experts. We understand your challenges and goals, and we are committed to helping you achieve them. We value the satisfaction of your customers, and we are always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns.

Parashift offers you:

  • A state-of-the-art IDP platform that uses AI and ML to process any document type and data field with high accuracy and speed
  • A flexible and customizable whitelabel/OEM solution that allows you to rebrand and resell IDP as your own product.
  • A dedicated and experienced team that supports you throughout the integration and implementation process, ensuring a smooth and successful transition
  • A transparent and fair pricing model that suits your needs

We want to help you boost your ISV value proposition, delight your customers, and grow your business. Talk to us about your IDP Project.

Here’s an example of an ISV who has entrusted us and now testifies:

tangro leveraged Parashift to offer IDP to their customers.

Patrick Etter, managing directors of tangro: “The collaboration with Parashift is another building block for tangro to fully utilize the potential of AI in optimizing intelligent document processing and employing it in the best interest of our customers.”

Ready to boost your ISV value proposition with IDP?

If you are interested in learning more about Parashift and how it can help you improve your software offering, you can request a free demo and talk to our experts. They will show you how Parashift works and answer any questions you may have.

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