-Accounting & Business ServicesThe costs of manual and software-supported invoice extraction Part 1Many companies still process incoming invoices manually. According to rough estimates, this is a proud 90% of companies. This despite the fact that even with a relatively small number of invoices, the required effort quickly becomes expensive and, with increasing volume,... September 17, 2020Read more
-GeneralHandwritten text recognition (HTR) in 2020The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) respectively Document Capture software market size is expected to be USD 12.6 billion by 2027 with a year on year growth of approx. 10%. The increasing demand for document extraction software solutions is mainly due to compliance... September 15, 2020Read more
-GeneralCloud document management vs. cloud file sharing: Differences and advantagesDocuments and forms are a core aspect of today’s business life. However, the omnipresence and tendency towards an increase in the number of documents also results in increasing complexity. One’s overview can quickly get lost. Especially when some documents are... September 3, 2020Read more
-GeneralDigital transformation; How to make PDF searchable and GDPR compliant“Going Paperless” is a frequently encountered buzzword in the era of digital transformation. An important aspect of this is archiving. In the course of progressive digitization, organizations are thus faced with the question of the extent to which documents can... September 1, 2020Read more
-GeneralDocument imaging vs. document scanningAs mentioned in a previous article, Machine Learning-driven document extraction can be used to optimize processes. In concrete terms, you have the opportunity to significantly reduce throughput times, costs and error-proneness. And what company doesn’t want that? In the course of... August 25, 2020Read more
-General4 reasons why you should break up with your legacy OCRFrom time to time, it makes sense to evaluate the relationships in your life and the value you assign to them. Because there are some important aspects that make for a healthy and constructive relationship. If these aspects are out... August 20, 2020Read more
-GeneralAI OCR to optimize application processes in HRSince many companies have recently had to record considerable losses in turnover, the topic of cost optimization is once again becoming increasingly important. In order to save costs, there are various possibilities. Striking measures here are, for example, the reduction... August 18, 2020Read more
-GeneralProcess optimization through fully automatic document processing“The biggest opportunity for big companies has come by far in the digitization of internal processes.” This quote from former General Electric CEO Jack Welch illustrates how important the digitalization and automation of internal processes is in order to not... August 13, 2020Read more
-GeneralProcessing sequence: The life cycle of a documentIn one of the last articles, we addressed the relevance of certain configurations in the context of document scanning. Because if not scanned correctly, the subsequent extraction can result in quality losses that limit the targeted cost savings. However, we have not... August 11, 2020Read more
-GeneralScanning done right: Settings for better resultsAfter we have looked at the differences as also the advantages and disadvantages of decentralized and centralized scanning in the last article, we will now focus on good scanning. This because many different factors flow into every scanned document, which as... July 30, 2020Read more