Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) for Customs Service Providers: The 6 best reasons

Customs service providers act as a connector between companies and customs authorities. How quickly and how many customs declarations are processed is often an indication of how advanced customs service providers are. As the volume of shipments continues to grow, it is more important than ever to be able to process customs documents accurately and cost-effectively.

Parashift’s Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) platform helps them do just that. The powerful, universal IDP platform is ideal for accurately and efficiently capturing and processing the complex document types that are part of their daily business.

Quick facts about Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) can be found here

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Special document types

Customs service providers support companies in the smooth handling of customs matters. This includes the correct declaration and registration of goods with customs authorities. They capture and process a wide variety of different types of documents:

1. Import or export declaration: all relevant line item on sender, receiver, etc.

2. Bill of lading: Accompanying document for goods by ship, road and rail. In air freight, the Air Waybill is the equivalent of this.

3. Declaration for dangerous goods: for dangerous goods such as weapons, explosive materials, etc., an additional declaration is required.

4. Other documents such as certificates of origin and proof of payment.

Without IDP: Clear disadvantages

As specialists in everything to do with customs matters, customs service providers are particularly dependent on the future-oriented and cost-efficient handling of customs documents. Due to digitalization, they are required more than ever to optimize processes. Without IDP, clear disadvantages are emerging for customs service providers:

– Data and information are often exchanged via e-mail = inefficient and error-prone processes

– Shipment volume is constantly increasing = more and more customs declarations

– Current systems are too inefficient = hardly any automated workflows possible with poor data transparency at the same time

In order for customs service providers to remain competitive in the future, a simple, fast and effective solution is required. Parashift’s reliable IDP platform delivers this solution.

With IDP: The 6 best reasons for customs service providers

Parashift’s IDP platform puts customs service providers back in pole position. With more flexibility and efficiency thanks to powerful process automation, customs service providers can set themselves apart from the competition. The 6 best reasons to integrate IDP:

1. Automated capture, extraction and processing of line items from the various customs document types

2. Fast and efficient process turnaround times become possible

3. Customs service providers can use new capacities to build up additional know-how and further distinguish themselves as a connector between companies and customs authorities

4. Delays due to large document volumes are a thing of the past

5. Parashift’s IDP platform allows rapid scalability

6. Scope of services can be increased, new customers can be acquired

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