Intelligent Document Processing podcast – Episode #11: Andy Maier, CIO of AXA

If for some people the cloud solutions are still a bit controversial, for others like Andy Maier, CIO of AXA, they are indispensable and even the basis for a successful digital transition. But even though it is essential, is it that simple for a company to go digital?

We’ll discuss that in this eleventh episode of the Intelligent Document Processing podcast!

In today’s episode, Alain Veuve, CEO of Parashift, interviewed Andy Maier, CIO at AXA, on the great question of the Digital Transformation of insurances

AXA is one of the world’s largest insurers. In three figures, AXA is 149,000 employees, present in 50 countries, and committed to 95 million customers. One of its main missions as an insurer is to put innovation at the heart of its processes to offer new services to its customers and guarantee them real added value. This is where our guest, Andy Maier, plays a significant role.

To get to the heart of the matter, we have divided the exchange into three main parts. Feel free to click on each of them to get directly to the information you are interested in.

Part 1: 

The first part of the exchange is dedicated to the presentation of Andy Maier, his role, and the missions he has to play within the AXA company.

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Part 2:

This second part discusses the importance of cloud solutions in the digital transformation process. 

According to Andy Maier, the cloud must be the basis for a successful digital transition. Without the cloud, we cannot consider being innovative. The cloud must be at the heart of innovation. He explains how cloud solutions have made AXA’s data process much more efficient and smoother through different examples. It would be impossible for Andy, to go backward and do without them, especially since the questions around the security and the compliance of cloud solutions are no longer to be demonstrated.

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Part 3: 

In this third part, Andy explains that the digital transition is essential for companies, but its complexity is not forgotten. You must ask the right questions and spend time looking at how processes can be redesigned to do this. It’s not about making a few changes to make a process digital-friendly, far from it. Going digital is a new approach, a new way of working and thinking and that is worth it!

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To understand in more detail each theme discussed in this podcast, I invite you to watch the entire video (with the video is always better, but listening to a podcast while driving is not bad as well 😊) 

Thanks to Andy Maier for sharing his experiences and ideas on the subject.  

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