Next Event March 18, 2025 in Zurich - “Innovation-driven financial sector: How AI can relaunch topics such as compliance”

New Parashift API features

Due to the numerous customer feedback on our Parashift API, we have been able to implement a set of new features on our APIs in recent weeks.

New details at line items

We have added the following additional information to the line items data definition:

  • Amount
  • Article number/EAN
  • Unit price
  • Line-Item discount

This allows to carry out more complex reconciliations towards third-party systems. The new features are now available in the 100% Extraction API. In the Basic Extraction API, the delivery is gradually ramped up while we retrain the functions.

New Header Level Details

In the future, Parashift API will also deliver customer numbers and corresponding VAT IDs at header level. This function is also now available in the 100% Extraction API.

Geographical and Compliance Zones

In the future we will also offer processing and data storage for all Parashift products in 3 different zones: On the one hand in the EU, on the other hand in Switzerland and thirdly in the zone “Rest of World”. The processing of the documents will thus be easily controlled according to international compliance requirements.  The completion of the features is scheduled for the end of March/beginning of April. We will provide detailed information in due course.

Parashift Intelligent Document Processing
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