Parashift in the press

Since the launch of Parashift’s doXeo and even before, the international press has reported a lot about Parashift. As a startup, we are very grateful for the media echo and a little proud. We would like to point out a few articles that we especially liked:

FORBES Magazine

The renowned Forbes lists Parashift as one of the top 30 startups in the field of artificial intelligence. Forbes writes: “The Swiss start-up’s claim is to put an end to tedious manual accounting work. Thanks to the AI-based process for document extraction, the customer should no longer have to enter any manual data at all”.

Read article (german)

Prime News

The up-and-coming online magazine explains in a detailed report how Parashift’s doXeo will change workflows in companies and how we manage to attract excellent professionals to the Upper Basel area.

Read article (german)

AI Time Journal

The AI Time Journal reports about the technology behind doXeo and how our system is constantly improved by machine learning.

Read article

Basellandschaftliche Zeitung

The BZ Basel explains how doXeo can relieve SMEs of paperwork and portrays our managing director and shows why the economic development department of the Basel region should make more efforts to attract more start-ups to the Basel region.

Read article (german)

All press articles are here

Parashift Intelligent Document Processing
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