Document Processing in the Public Sector: thanks to AI, no longer a matter of hours, but minutes

Organizations across all industries are under constant pressure to do more with less. The public sector is no exception. However, particularly public sector departments and agencies are often stuck in the past when it comes to mission-critical systems and processes. This makes it enormously difficult to get started with digital transformation. With Parashift, this is now changing. The cloud-native Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) solution is redefining how government agencies can process their documents automatically and efficiently in the future.

In this article, you’ll learn how Parashift is setting new standards in the public sector by harnessing the breakthrough capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for comprehensive document processing automation.

Parashift data extraction

Key takeaways: In order to streamline their data and document-heavy processes, the public sector needs to augment their systems with an innovative solution that simultaneously meets stringent data security and compliance requirements. Parashift’s cloud-native Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) solution, built for document versatility under the highest security standards, makes just that possible for the public sector.

Why the public sector needs a change

Last year, over 200,000 people were employed in the public institutions in Switzerland. While this obviously does not mean that all employees are solely concerned with processing data from documents, it is nevertheless an indication of the immeasurable amounts of information that need to be processed in the public sector on a daily, monthly and annual basis. Almost every process involves a document with data somewhere. Because these documents not only come in through various channels, but also exhibit a high degree of variability due to their diversity, manual workflows are still ubiquitous. Delays and long waiting times can be the consequence, leaving citizens frustrated which is certainly not in the interest of the authorities.

The need for digital transformation:

Digital transformation is of central importance for the public sector to finally bring processes up to a level that is appropriate for the digital era. And not only in terms of the efficiency of document processes, but of course also in terms of security standards. However, legacy systems also pose major challenges to government departments in this regard, because the secure handling of large volumes of documents and data is a top priority for public administration. This is where a powerful artificial intelligence-based solution like Parashift’s Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) platform comes in handy.

Parashift Intelligent Document Processing as a Gamechanger:

Instead of relying on high-maintenance and expensive legacy solutions to process documents and forms, Parashift offers a cloud-native IDP solution that is perfectly tailored to the public sector. The reasons:

  • With a cloud-native IDP solution, public sector departments get an intelligent, powerful solution for automating their document-based processes that is at the forefront of innovation thanks to the latest AI.
  • The Parashift IDP platform separates batch documents into individual documents and classifies them according to the different document types.
  • The IDP solution can automatically capture, extract and process relevant data from any type of document (and from both physical and digital documents).
  • The Parashift Intelligent Document Processing solution learns – always maintaining the highest InfoSec and compliance requirements, of course – across all use cases and all clients on the platform. This generates a massive network for learning data for the highest document intelligence.

In the ‘Use Cases for Intelligent Document Processing in the Public Sector’ section below, we go into detail about several use cases that government agencies can automate with the Parashift IDP solution.

One platform for all document automation needs in public administration – and always in compliance with all InfoSec and compliance requirements.

Data security and compliance have top priority

Departments in the public sector process sensitive customer data from sensitive documents. It is imperative that an automation solution meets the strict standards and high requirements of the public sector. With its IDP platform, Parashift always ensures the latest cloud security and EU GDPR compliance.

Cloud security redefined:

Parashift was built specifically to enable enterprises and government agencies to process sensitive customer identification data (CID) in the cloud in a secure and privacy-compliant manner. To do this, Parashift has developed its own training data format that represents the training data, but no longer allows conclusions to be drawn about the original data. For this reason, documents containing customer identification data can be processed and learned from without leaving the data in the cloud for an unnecessarily long time.

EU GDPR compliance:

Data protection is paramount in public administration departments and a cloud solution must meet the highest compliance requirements. Parashift operates in full compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) and ensures that all data processing activities comply with the principles and requirements of the regulation. The Parashift IDP platform runs in ISO27001, ISO27017, ISO27110, ISO27018, SOC 1/2/3, PCI DSS, CSA STAR and HIPAA compliant data centers. The cloud SaaS solution can guarantee a service with the highest level of security and continuous software improvements.

A comprehensive overview with all information on Parashift’s product security, infrastructure security, organizational security and data protection can be found here.

Use Cases for Intelligent Document Processing in the Public Sector

Since the public sector has to process a large number of different documents, the first logical use case is for automating the incoming mailroom. But this is not the only place where Intelligent Document Processing revolutionizes processes in public sector departments.

Mailroom automation:

Administrative staff are inundated with hundreds of documents and requests every day through a variety of channels. A solution that can digitize and automate all documents through a single platform is essential. With the Parashift IDP solution, government agencies can automatically process all incoming documents through a single platform. This frees employees from tedious sorting and typing tasks by automatically and intelligently processing documents and routing the extracted data to the right applications. This allows processes to be streamlined. 

Parashift’s IDP platform enables government to automate all document types (both high and low volume) in an economical way. This allows government agencies to reduce turnaround times and lower costs while increasing productivity.

Forms Processing:

Another important use case for Intelligent Document Processing in the public sector is to process forms. Whether land register statements or tax forms, forms are a fundamental part of the processes in administrative departments from which employees need to type data into systems. The Parashift Intelligent Document Processing solution eliminates the need for typing. In addition, the AI-based solution can also automatically capture and process photographed or scanned forms and those with handwritten notes.

Digitizing paper archives:

Physical archiving has long been outdated. And not just in terms of being able to retrieve specific information quickly, but also in terms of the risk of data loss. All public administration offices are interested in finally fully digitizing their paper archives – not simply storing the documents digitally as a photo – but storing the relevant metadata in a structured form. The Parashift IDP solution makes exactly this possible.

This was also crucial for the Canton of Uri, here in the project for the Office of Territorial Development and for digitizing the construction dossiers from the paper archives. Together with the Canton of Uri, the criteria for the metadata were defined, according to which the dossiers were to be stored in the system. Parashift finally took over the structuring of the metadata from the documents of the closed construction dossiers. You can find the case study here (DE).

A central hub for document automation for public authorities

Integrating new software solutions into existing systems and applications is often complex and time-consuming. With the Parashift Intelligent Document Processing solution, this is not the case. The IDP solution integrates seamlessly with existing processes and systems. To this end, Parashift partners have developed integrations with all types of leading business applications (see here for the complete list). This compatibility makes Parashift the central hub for intelligent document automation across a wide range of government departments.


It’s about time for departments in the public sector to usher in the digital era and comprehensively automate their document-based processes. This is the only way to efficiently and securely map essential processes in the future that meet the high demands of citizens. With Parashift, public authorities have found the perfect partner for Intelligent Document Processing. Talk to our experts today about your specific requirements. Or try out the Parashift Intelligent Document Processing platform for 14 days, free of charge and completely without any obligation!

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Why is Parashift perfect for automating document processing in the public sector?

Because Parashift is the only cloud-native Intelligent Document Processing solution that meets all InfoSec and compliance requirements while being at the forefront of AI development. This enables government agencies to leapfrog into digital transformation.

2. Is the Parashift IDP platform fully EU GDPR compliant? Can documents and extracted data be deleted without losing training data?

EU GDPR is at the core of what Parashift does. Parashift is fully EU GDPR compliant, which allows the public sector to process sensitive customer data securely in the cloud. In addition, documents and data can be deleted immediately after the document has been processed, without losing any training data.

3. What makes Parashift unique?

Parashift invented and developed Document Swarm Learning, a globally unique approach. With Document Swarm Learning, learning occurs across all use cases and all clients on the platform. This generates a massive network of learning data for document intelligence, always maintaining the highest InfoSec and compliance requirements. Parashift is built for true versatility.

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